Your Friends

You don’t need to have a referral to engage our Rockingham psychologist services. In fact, most of our beautiful clients find us through word of mouth. When the people you hold dear to you, whom you trust implicitly, recommend our services, it is an absolute honour to meet and get to know you. Simply e-mail us to book your first visit.

A man's hands writing in pencil next to an open  laptop

Your GP

Your GP can, of course, refer you to connect with us. If they conduct a mental health care plan with you, Medicare can rebate you a portion of your appointment fees. In order to comply with Medicare arrangements, it is important that we have a copy of your care plan and keep in regular contact with your referring GP. Please mention if you have a care plan at the time of booking.

Group of friends

Spread the word

Everybody needs help at some point throughout their life. Mental health no longer carries the stigma it used to. Help us help our community by referring a friend to begin to reconnect with themselves. It is through this self-connection that positive self-esteem, self-acceptance, and courage can grow to create a more rewarding life experience. Spread the word and continue to grow our community